Metadata from CMDAC Accession 3791

Experiment name:        ICM6
Principal Investigator: M.Tomczak/J.Church
PI's affiliation:       FIMAS/CSIRO
Mooring Name:           Mooring 5
Mooring position:       22.103 deg S,  112.987 deg E
Instrument depth:       265 meters
Seafloor depth:         1604 meters
Times:                  starts 30 Aug 1994, ends 14 Dec 1994
Time increment:         360 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM5

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      4.69    13.14    23.45     4.42    106.5
dir (deg true)      0.06   105.14   359.99   103.20    106.5
u (cm/sec)         -8.34     6.53    21.75     7.18    106.5
v (cm/sec)        -17.60     2.89    18.56     9.47    106.5
temp (deg C)       14.44    15.85    17.14     0.53    106.5

The pressure record from this instrument shows a steady drift
with time. Although FIMAS removed the drift by subtracting a
linear trend, the resulting pressure series does not appear to
be useful and has not been included here. 

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