Metadata from CMDAC Accession 4426

Experiment name:        ICM4 (JADE)
Principal Investigator: M.Fieux
PI's affiliation:       LODYC
Mooring Name:           M1
Mooring position:       10.979 deg S,  121.736 deg E
Instrument depth:       90 meters
Seafloor depth:         1600 meters
Times:                  starts 23 Aug 1989, ends 21 Sep 1990
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      1.50    14.07    61.49    11.75    291.7
dir (deg true)      2.00   214.11   359.00    91.49    394.0
u (cm/sec)        -50.61    -2.56    55.06    15.23    291.7
v (cm/sec)        -53.33     0.33    54.28     9.87    291.7
temp (deg C)       17.27    24.71    29.43     1.56    394.0
pressure (db)      75.40    88.26   164.90     8.06    394.0

Direction is nearly constant at about 358 degrees from 0000 24 Dec 89
to 0000 27 Dec 89. This appears to be an artifact of some type. 

Speed is often below threshold in the second half of the record
and never rises above the threshold after line 7001 (1600 10 Jun 90).
We have terminated speed at that point. The progressive decrease in
speed may be the effect of a fouled rotor or bad bearings. Use speeds
after 1 Jan 90 with caution. 

Move up one level.