Metadata from CMDAC Accession 2364

Experiment name:        ICM1 (Agulhas Current)
Principal Investigator: H.L.Bryden
PI's affiliation:       Southampton Oceanog Ctr
Mooring Name:           Mooring B
Mooring position:       31.088 deg S,   30.434 deg E
Instrument depth:       430 meters
Seafloor depth:         1480
Times:                  starts 04 Mar 1995, ends 18 Apr 1995
Time increment:         30 minutes
Instrument type:        FSI current meter

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      2.23    58.89   158.68    36.97     45.0
dir (deg true)      1.20   232.00   358.99    58.65     45.0
u (cm/sec)       -124.21   -47.85    18.77    31.88     45.0
v (cm/sec)       -132.26   -26.92    24.02    28.34     45.0
temp (deg C)        8.38    10.33    12.05     0.83     45.0
pressure (db)     380.20   392.47   427.30     7.40     45.0
comd (mmho/cm)     32.65    38.48    40.34     0.95     45.0

The conductivity series contains an unusual excursion on 15 Apr 95.

The pressure record initially shows a depth of about 430 meters,
and then drifts to shallower values. The initial depth probably is
correct; the shallower pressures most likely are due to sensor

Move up one level.