Metadata from CMDAC Accession 4130

Experiment name:        ACM9
Principal Investigator: J.Candela
PI's affiliation:       Inst Esp Hidro de la Mar
Mooring Name:           S5
Mooring position:       35.919 deg N,    5.753 deg W
Bin depth:              26 meters
Seafloor depth:         265 meters
Times:                  starts 20 Apr 1996, ends 23 Sep 1996
Time increment:         15 minutes
Instrument type:        ADCP

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      0.10    77.73   335.25    59.27    155.8
dir (deg true)      0.00   147.80   359.82   101.98    155.8
u (cm/sec)       -225.80    42.31   330.50    85.42    155.8
v (cm/sec)       -101.90     6.36   112.60    20.69    155.8
w (cm/sec)        -32.40    -1.04    45.80     3.80    155.8

Near-surface bins from this instrument contain a relatively high
percentage of poor returns. CMDAC has discarded bins shallower
than 16 meters and has prepared alternate versions of files from
several other bins. The present file contains a number of spikes
and other artifacts caused by transmissions in which no good
reflections were counted. We have prepared an alternate version
of the file, in which a number of questionable episodes have
been bridged by linear or predictive interpolation. Both versions
of this current record are available here.

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