Metadata from CMDAC Accession 1454

Experiment name:        ACM8 (German component)
Principal Investigator: J.Meincke/E.Mittelstaedt                        
PI's affiliation:       B.S.H.Hamburg           
Mooring Name:           F2
Mooring position:       52.378 deg N,   16.362 deg W
Instrument depth:       181 meters
Seafloor depth:         3481 meters
Times:                  starts 30 Aug 1992, ends 05 Aug 1993
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM5

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      1.69    13.93    37.29     6.14    339.6
dir (deg true)      0.24   194.17   359.90    98.92    339.6
u (cm/sec)        -30.50    -2.48    33.77    10.72    339.6
v (cm/sec)        -37.22    -1.43    28.23    10.43    339.6
temp (deg C)       23.77    24.93    27.07     0.76    339.6
pressure (db)      66.62    90.62   226.88    27.72    339.6

The stated depth of this instrument, 181 meters, appears to
have been calculated from the seafloor depth and mooring line
lengths. However, the minimum recorded pressure is 67 db and
the mean pressure is 91 db. Thus the instrument may have been
shallower than 181 meters.

Move up one level.