Metadata from CMDAC Accession 1754

Experiment name:        ACM12 (Deep Basin)
Principal Investigator: W.Zenk                                          
PI's affiliation:       IFM-Kiel                
Mooring Name:           BE/335                  
Mooring position:       28.269 deg S,   45.225 deg W
Instrument depth:       950 meters
Seafloor depth:         3258 meters
Times:                  starts 04 Jan 1991, ends 25 Nov 1992
Time increment:         120 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM8           

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      0.99     5.04    32.20     4.91    692.0
dir (deg true)      0.00   210.43   359.73    91.49    692.0
u (cm/sec)        -22.20    -1.32    27.04     5.70    692.0
v (cm/sec)        -21.30    -0.46    29.61     3.89    692.0
temp (deg C)        3.42     4.32     4.95     0.22    692.0

The speed series in this record is not particularly good.
Approximately 28% of the speeds were at or below the instrument's
threshold, and have been set to the threshold value (1 cm/sec).
The speed series also contains a large number of short interpolations
to replace bad data.  Most of the interpolations are a quarter to a
half day in length.

Blowover of this mooring was substantial. Several large dips in
temperature can be related to blowover (see the pressure record
from the top instrument on the mooring). The mooring appears to
have slipped downslope and settled about 35 meters deeper during
a high-speed event at the end of February 1991. 

Move up one level.