Metadata from CMDAC Accession 1749

Experiment name:        ACM12 (Deep Basin)
Principal Investigator: W.Zenk                                          
PI's affiliation:       IFM-Kiel                
Mooring Name:           BM/334                  
Mooring position:       27.985 deg S,   46.338 deg W
Instrument depth:       930 meters
Seafloor depth:         2187 meters
Times:                  starts 03 Jan 1991, ends 26 Nov 1992
Time increment:         120 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM8           

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      0.99     7.81    40.92     6.72    693.8
dir (deg true)      0.00   214.60   359.79    75.39    693.8
u (cm/sec)        -39.55    -2.52    34.51     6.09    693.8
v (cm/sec)        -39.13    -2.97    26.49     7.34    693.8
temp (deg C)        3.46     4.48     5.36     0.29    693.8

Blowover of this mooring was substantial. (See the comments on
the two current meters above this one on the mooring.) 

Approximately 18% of the speeds in this record were at or below
the instrument's threshold. These speeds have been set to the
threshold value (1 cm/sec).  There is a 10 day episode of such
speeds during 6 Aug - 15 Aug 91. 

Move up one level.