Metadata from CMDAC Accession 2257

Experiment name:        ACM11 (Deep Basin)
Principal Investigator: H.Mercier                                       
PI's affiliation:       Laboratoire de Physique des Oceans                 
Mooring Name:           R3                      
Mooring position:       0.687 deg N,   14.765 deg W
Instrument depth:       3950 meters
Seafloor depth:         4375 meters
Times:                  starts 18 Nov 1992, ends 31 Oct 1994
Time increment:         120 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM5           

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      1.80    13.14    38.04     6.65    489.5
dir (deg true)      0.80    82.01   359.80    34.84    712.1
u (cm/sec)         -7.24    12.08    34.78     6.55    489.5
v (cm/sec)        -18.19     3.08    21.92     4.28    489.5
temp (deg C)        1.89     2.16     2.38     0.07    712.1
pressure (db)    3945.10  3995.91  3998.06     5.22    712.1

The PI notes that speeds from this instrument were uncharacter-
istically low after 22 March 94, and that the speed sensor probably
malfunctioned.  He excluded that portion of the speed series from
his data report.  We have also excluded it from CMDAC's database.
Direction is present throughout, however. 

We note that there is a second episode of unusually low speed
beginning about 21 Dec 93 and lasting through the first 8 days
of January 94. These speeds remain in the database. 

Move up one level.