Metadata from CMDAC Accession 2253

Experiment name:        ACM11 (Romanche)
Principal Investigator: H.Mercier
PI's affiliation:       Laboratoire de Physique des Oceans
Mooring Name:           R1
Mooring position:       0.728 deg N,   14.767 deg W
Instrument depth:       2800 meters
Seafloor depth:         4235 meters
Times:                  starts 17 Nov 1992, ends 31 Oct 1994
Time increment:         120 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM5

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      3.40     3.96    16.90     1.58    712.7
dir (deg true)      0.12   192.62   359.76   103.55    712.7
u (cm/sec)        -16.74    -0.60    15.73     3.33    712.7
v (cm/sec)         -6.85     0.38    12.74     2.57    712.7
temp (deg C)        2.61     2.73     2.86     0.04    712.7
pressure (db)    2798.61  2818.23  2823.35     5.87    712.7

This record appears to be from a current meter with a very high
speed threshold, 3.4 cm/sec. Further, nearly 77% of the speeds
have this value - indicating that this percentage of the speeds
in situ were at or below 3.4 cm/sec. Virtually all the speeds
after May 1993 are at threshold in this record, as are many of
those recorded earlier. Speeds this low, consistantly, are not
seen in records from the meters above and below this one on the
mooring, so it appears that the low speeds may be due to a failure
of the instrument. CMDAC recommends that you use these speeds
with caution, if at all. The directions appear to be good. 

Move up one level.