Metadata from Accession 8901

Experiment name:        SAZ Project
Principal Investigator: T.W.Trull
Affiliation:            U of Tasmania
Mooring name:           SAZ54-9
Mooring position:       53.736 deg S, 141.768 deg E
Instrument depth:       857  meters
Seafloor depth:         2039 meters
Times:                  2331 06 Dec 2005 to 1831 04 Oct 2006
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM8

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.02     8.70    24.16    4.75    301.83
dir (deg true)       0.00   134.26   359.61   55.75    301.83
u (cm/sec)          -8.76     5.11    23.32    4.90    301.83
v (cm/sec)         -22.35    -4.00    18.52    5.67    301.83
temp (deg C)         1.90     2.02     2.19    0.05    301.83
pressure (db)     1002.60  1014.03  1021.50    2.50    301.83

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