Metadata from Accession 10044

Experiment name:        TOCS
Principal Investigator: unavailable
Affiliation:            JAMSTEC
Mooring name:           7N127E
Mooring position:        7.000 deg N, 127.000 deg E
Bin depth:              100  meters
Seafloor depth:         6022 meters
Times:                  0700 12 Nov 1999 to 2100 23 Sep 2000
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        RDI BBSC-ADCP

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)      66.23   139.79   203.37   17.23    316.63
dir (deg true)     175.09   196.69   216.43    4.90    316.63
u (cm/sec)         -87.60   -39.90     7.00   11.82    316.63
v (cm/sec)        -199.80  -133.46   -64.70   17.19    316.63
w (cm/sec)         -14.20    -2.44     7.60    2.41    316.63

This current record begins about 20 days later than the others from
this mooring.

Move up one level.