Metadata from Accession 7981

Experiment name:        SEQUAL
Principal Investigator: R.H.Weisberg
Affiliation:            N Carolina State U
Mooring name:           unavailable
Mooring position:       36.273 deg N,  73.113 deg W
Instrument depth:       89   meters
Seafloor depth:         3483 meters
Times:                  0000 16 Jan 1984 to 0500 14 Jan 1985
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       1.59    25.70    66.27    9.82    364.25
dir (deg true)       1.37    63.32   359.79   61.23    364.25
u (cm/sec)         -27.61    17.11    53.15   10.67    364.25
v (cm/sec)         -19.78    15.61    58.46   10.33    364.25
temp (deg C)         1.68     7.65    11.74    2.32    289.96

u and v contain a gap in lines 7682 (0100 01 Dec1984) through
7742 (1300 03 Dec 1984).

Temperature ends early at line 6959 (2200 31 Oct 1984).

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