Metadata from Accession 10453

Experiment name:        BENGAL
Principal Investigator: I.Priede
Affiliation:            U of Aberdeen
Mooring name:           12913-002
Mooring position:       48.935 deg N,  16.532 deg W
Instrument depth:       4843 meters
Seafloor depth:         4848 meters
Times:                  0800 30 Jul 1996 to 1000 22 Oct 1997
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        MORS MC360

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       2.43     3.48     8.87    1.16    449.12
dir (deg true)       0.00   134.78   359.00  108.25    449.12
u (cm/sec)          -7.51     0.74     6.86    2.39    449.12
v (cm/sec)          -7.12     0.99     7.81    2.49    449.12
temp (deg C)         2.44     2.46     2.47    0.01    449.12
pressure (db)     4938.00  4944.10  4956.00    1.86    449.12

The stall speed of this instrument is 2.43 cm/sec. 3705 (34.37%)
of the speeds in this record have this value. Directions are
set at 82 deg during these instances.

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