5100 meters at Samoa Mooring 3

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Metadata and Statistics

Experiment name:        Samoa Passage (PCM11)
Principal Investigator: D.Rudnick/R.D.Pillsbury
PI's affiliation:       SIO/OSU
Mooring Name:           SAMOA 3
Mooring position:        9.918 deg S,  169.739 deg W
Instrument depth:       5103 meters
Seafloor depth:         5235 meters
Times:                  starts 22 Sep 1992, ends 25 Feb 1994
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM8
Archive reference:      not available

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      0.93    12.90    24.10     3.43    521.1
dir (deg true)     22.00    68.97   124.00    10.82    521.1
u (cm/sec)          0.84    11.84    23.27     3.30    521.1
v (cm/sec)         -4.94     4.57    14.00     2.48    521.1
temp (deg C)        1.09     1.09     1.10     0.00    521.1