150 meters at Bussol Strait Mooring 1

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Metadata and Statistics

Experiment name:        Sea of Okhotsk
Principal Investigator: S.Riser
PI's affiliation:       U of Washington
Mooring Name:           Bussol Strait 1
Mooring position:       46.407 deg N,  151.115 deg E
Instrument depth:       150 meters
Seafloor depth:         1609 meters
Times:                  starts 17 Jul 1998, ends 04 Jun 2000
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Sontek ADCP

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

temp (deg C)       -0.92     1.68     3.49     0.66    688.8
pressure (db)     158.76   363.06  1397.61   249.48    688.8
heading (deg)       0.00   142.69   359.90    87.82    688.8
pitch (deg)        -8.20     0.83     8.00     0.98    688.8
roll (deg)         -3.00     0.23    17.70     1.25    688.8

Headings are relative to magnetic north in Bussol Strait, which
is 7 deg 45 min west of true north.