Metadata and plots from OSU Buoy Group Accession 4644

Experiment name:        AnSlope 2003-04
Principal Investigator: A.L.Gordon/A.Orsi/R.D.Pillsbury
PI's affiliation:       LDEO/TAMU/OSU
Mooring Name:           Central D-1
Mooring position:       71.981 deg S,  173.191 deg E
Instrument depth:       508 meters
Seafloor depth:         1118 meters
Times:                  starts 02 Mar 2003, ends 27 Feb 2004
Time increment:         30 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM8s

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      0.92    28.44   147.12    22.81    362.1
dir (deg true)      0.23   239.63   359.85    60.64    362.1
u (cm/sec)       -137.50   -21.64    47.60    23.39    362.1
v (cm/sec)        -78.02    -4.08   116.32    17.23    362.1
temp (deg C)       -0.34     1.00     1.30     0.17    362.1
pressure (db)     512.10   545.85   728.80    50.38    362.1

There are numerous high-speed episodes where the pressure record
tops out at a raw value of 1018. This value (1018 in this instance,
rather than 1023) evidently indicates that pressure is offscale.
See, for example, mid-June 2003 and late October through early
November 2003. In addition, the pressure record is increasingly
noisy after mid-January 2004. This appears to be a sensor failure.

The axes of the PVD are labelled in kilometers. Boxes mark the beginning of each month.

Move up one level.