Metadata and plots from OSU Buoy Group Accession 4678

Experiment name:        AnSlope 2003-04
Principal Investigator: A.L.Gordon/A.Orsi/R.D.Pillsbury
PI's affiliation:       LDEO/TAMU/OSU
Mooring Name:           ADP-1
Mooring position:       71.981 deg S,  172.595 deg E
Instrument depth:       809 meters
Seafloor depth:         890 meters
Times:                  starts 06 Mar 2003, ends 27 Feb 2004
Time increment:         30 minutes
Instrument type:        SBE-37 MicroCat

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

temp (deg C)       -1.88    -0.14     1.08     0.63    357.2
pressure (db)     820.50   861.53   916.50    23.70    357.2
cond (mmho/cm)     27.63    29.09    30.13     0.52    357.2

Pressure records from the instruments on this mooring show that
the mooring slipped downslope several times during the experiment.
For example, during the week beginning 24 Mar 03 the mooring's
depth increased by about 6 meters. On 24 Apr 03 the depth increased
by 2.4 meters. Between 19 May and 21 May it increased by over
6 meters. The total depth change during the experiment was about
24 meters, most of which had occurred by 1 Jun 03.

Move up one level.